Belt System
Here is the current belt system that we use for our students who train in Boxing, MMA, Wrestling/Pro-Wrestling, and Martial arts as well as self-defense - based on the classes they take with our dojo. Each student will be starting off first with a White Belt as a beginner before moving up the rankings to a black belt as a Master. In order for a student to achieve a higher level of a black belt status such as a 1st DAN Black Belt up to a 10th Dan Black Belt they need to take master class workshops that are not intensive. The 1st Dan to 10th Dan Black Belt Class System is only available and only exclusive to Martial Arts and self Defense students, not students training in Boxing, MMA, or Wrestling.
"Beta" - White signifies a birth, or beginning, of a seed. A white belt student is a beginner searching for knowledge of the Art. The white belt is the beginning of life's cycle and represents the seed as it lies beneath the snow in the winter. White has always been the symbol of purity. This is quite suiting, as those who begin in the art of Martial Arts since they are innocent and unknowing of the work and discipline required of them to achieve mastery of the art. This is the beginning of a voyage from innocence to mastery, and this level introduces the first ideas of any combat Sport. They are also known as beginners or pure novices.
"Zeta" - Yellow signifies the first beams of sunlight which shines upon the seed giving it new strength with the beginning of new life. A yellow belt student is given his first ray of knowledge, opening his mind, from his instructors. Yellow is the symbol of Strength. Once a student has a yellow belt, he/she has advanced from the introductory level. He has now transformed from a pure novice to developing a basic understanding of the art of any martial art. The yellow belt is representative of one's energy. In this mastery, the student has gained greater control over his body’s energy. They are also known as Rookies.
"Theta" - Vision is the symbol of a Gold belt, which means that an individual has passed the beginner level and reached the intermediate level. Once he/she attains this they have developed the concepts of every basic combat move they have learned while also using now in a combined fashion where they form Senses and use hybrid basic maneuvers they create and innovate from their mentors.
"Lambda" - Orange represents the growing power of the sun as it warms the earth to prepare for new growth in the spring. The orange belt is starting to feel his body and mind open and develop. Stability is the symbol of an orange belt. Every or Any Martial Arts practice includes basic postures, punches, blocks, Grapples, and kicks. The white, yellow, Gold, and orange belts are the basic principal building blocks, that an Intermediate holds and all other methods learned in higher belts are built upon these basic skills. They are known as Naturals.
"Kappa" - Green signifies the growth of the seed as it sprouts from the earth reaching toward the sun and begins to grow into a plant. A green belt student learns to strengthen and refine his techniques. The green belt is the belt where students become humbled and dedicated as training becomes harder and more serious. With this transition comes a great flow of emotion and sensitivity.
"Gamma" - Blue signifies the blue sky as the plant continues to grow toward it. A blue belt student moves up higher in rank just as the plant grows taller. The light feeds the plant so it can continue to grow. The student is fed additional knowledge of the Art in order for his body and mind continue to grow and develop. Once the basic skills of the white, yellow, Gold, orange, and Green belts have been mastered, the student must learn to become more adaptable to given situations. The purpose of the blue belt is to reflect that the student has demonstrated fluidity and adaptability. With fluidity comes greater strength and confidence. They are also known as Amateurs.
"Delta" - Purple represents the changing sky of dawn, as once again the student undergoes a new change and prepares for the transition to advanced student. A purple belt begins to understand the meaning of the black belt. Agility is the symbol of the Purple Belt. When a student has achieved purple belt status, this student has advanced from the Advanced level to the Expert level. Students at this belt color should understand all standard blocks, grapples, Postures, Flexibilities and strikes, while also knowing how to contort and move their body to achieve the desired block or strike.
"Sigma" - Brown represents the ripening of the seed, a maturing and harvesting process. A brown belt is an advanced student whose techniques are beginning to mature, and he is beginning to understand the fruits of his hard work as a beginner. When a student achieves his/her brown belt, this is the introduction to the advanced level of martial arts. This belt symbolizes that the student is experienced and knowledgeable in the art that they are studying. They are also known as Professionals.
"Omega" - Red signifies the red-hot heat of the Sun as the plant continues growing toward it. As a red belt student acquires more detailed knowledge, just as the plant grows slowly toward the Sun, so the red belt student learns to be more cautious with his knowledge and physical abilities. Red is a sign of danger, and the Red Belt is beginning to become dangerous with their knowledge and abilities. Those who reach red belts are nearing at mastery. Students are required to be both practical and creative in their techniques. Confidence sets in as one’s own personality is integrated with the many techniques they have already mastered.
"Alpha" - Black signifies the darkness beyond the Sun. A black belt seeks new, more profound knowledge of the Art. As he begins to teach others, he plants new seeds and helps them grow and mature. His students, many of whom will form roots deep into the Art, blossom and grow through the ranks in a never-ending process of self-growth, knowledge, and enlightenment. A black belt is the summit of achievement in the martial arts. Many people work years to accomplish the mastery of a black belt. While the black belt is a symbol of great achievement, the belt itself is not the ultimate goal. The real reward is in the new self-awareness this belt represents. They are also known as Legends.