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Is Pro-Wrestling really considered fake as people say? And is Pro-Wrestling a legitimate sport?

Writer's picture: Dragon  KaiDragon Kai

Everybody has always wondered this simple question. Well, at-least almost everybody when they ask this question. As Hamlet would say "to be or not to be is thy question?", we can say the same for wrestling; "Is Wrestling fake or is wrestling not fake that is thy question?". The most honest answer to this question is; NO: Wrestling is NOT fake. As a matter of fact wrestling can be anything but fake. It can be scripted, it can be pre-determined, it can be real, it can be a shoot, it can be a work, it can be a worked shoot and it can be FIXED, It can be any of those things. But if there is one thing I know for certain is that it is not really fake as non-wrestling fans or the detractors of wrestling like to say or view of this sport.

And the other question people always bring up is if wrestling is considered a legitimate sport. And my answer to this is pretty much an objective answer than a simple subjective black & white answer -which is simply put better like this: Yes & No. I think it's fair to say that there are some things in this business that doesn't make wrestling a legitimate sport in terms of it being scripted, pre-determined as well as a soap opera, while there are other things that make pro wrestling considered a certifiable, valid & legit sport which are the injuries & the athleticism these athletic performers display in the ring 24/7 and almost 365 days a year throughout every cycle & period they work. Now, the question I have that is also on every wrestling fan's mind & wrestler's mind as well is: Should wrestling be considered a Sport or a Legit/Genuine Sport? YES! In this brief article I will explain why I believe so, as well as jot down other things that help my thesis to defend the sport I love that I have watched since I was a young kid as a fan of wrestling & a sport that I was trained in during one of my high school years. I will also provide my statements, my analysis, in-depth knowledge, my experiences, arguments & claims that support this topic in this article Read Below the image:

John Cena giving Randy Orton an Attitude Adjustment while Triple H looks on.

People will always diminish wrestling as fake or as a pseudo-sport because of it's scripted nature or pre-determined outcomes. While others diminish wrestling as fake or a pseudo-sport because there is no real winner or real loser, OR because they're "fake" fighting(not actually doing anything physical against each other with contact) in the ring. Or maybe, it's "fake" in their eyes because they "sell" maneuvers that they think don't hurt and that the ring must be a trampoline with too much extra padding and whoopee cushions(I added that for the humor.) Well, those people are irrelevant and also ignorant because 1.) they know nothing about this sport and 2.) they have never done pro-wrestling before in their life. They are just plain keyboard warriors for a bunch of sorry ass excuses for the trolls that they are who live in their mom's basement, who are also professionally lazy coach potatoes who have nothing else better to do in their life that is productive. Let me break it down for you, without committing kayfabe(staying in character or saying the big lie) how Pro-Wrestling works and what the wrestling terms: scripted, pre-determined, choreographed, fixed, work and real mean by definition, which will also included it's synonyms.

Scripted- write a script for (a play, movie, or broadcast).

Pre-determined- establish or decide in advance.

Choreographed- compose the sequence of steps and moves for a performance(such as dance or ice skating).

Synonyms: Rehearse(d)

Fixed- A Strike that is pulled back whether if it be a punch or a kick or any varieties of punches & kicks that can be pulled back. Or a Maneuver in which the attacker & the opponent work together in/by sequence to perform a maneuver.

Work- Anything planned to happen, or a "rationalized lie". The opposite of shoot.

Shoot- When a wrestler or personality deliberately goes off-script, either by making candid comments or remarks during an interview which is breaking kayfabe.

Real- actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed.

(Of a substance or thing) not imitation or artificial; genuine.


Here will be a list of wrestling glossary terms:

*Watch out for some words like the word "sell", "no-sell" or "over-sell". Not all words are correctly, consistently & accurately defined on wikipedia. The actual definition for sell is:

Sell- reacting to a move or strike that doesn't seem to be as impact-ful, hurtful or legitimate as others.

Or in other words, a move that connects but doesn't cause that much pain.

No-Sell- not reacting to a move or strike that doesn't seem to be as impact-ful or legitimate as others. Or in other words, a move that connects but doesn't cause that much pain.

Over-sell- To show too much of a reaction(exaggeration) to an opponent's attack depending on how impactful the strike or move is.


I remember being asked by a friend what makes wrestling real and what makes it fixed. My response was very clear when I explained to him that what makes wrestling real is the athleticism, the competition and the physicality. I even explained it to him that injuries do happen whether if it's a shoot(not mean't to occur and not part of the script or show) or a work(mean't to occur and part of the script or show.) I even explained to him that what makes wrestling fixed are the pulled back strikes even though they do make physical contact on the opponent's body.

And onto the last question is Pro-Wrestling a legitimate sport? Well duh! The athleticism, the competition, the winning, the losing, and the physicality is what makes it a sport. Regardless if pro-wrestling is a pseudo-sport because of it's scripted & pre-determined nature or an actual-sport like any other, wrestling is still a sport(despite what the ESPN & Sports Center anchor-babies(like Colin Cowherd) like to think . Whether if it is Pro-Wrestling, High School Wrestling, Collegiate Wrestling, Folk Wrestling, Amateur Wrestling, Greco-Roman Wrestling or Freestyle Wrestling; it's a sport that these wrestling athletes perform in for our entertainment. So take that with a grain of salt. The winning and losing may be part of the script & the show, however, there is someone winning & losing on any given live wrestling event whether if you're there or watching it on your TV. That's why pro-wrestling has been re-branded & re-branded itself as Sports & Entertainment/Sports Entertainment just like any other sport you watch.

So let me tell you how pro-wrestling works. Now what is scripted in Pro-Wrestling; it's basically the acting dramatic scenes within a promo, before or after a match when you see one, two or a group of wrestler(s) acting out a scene. What is pre-determined in wrestling is the ending result of the matches which is based on who wins and who loses. And there are some moves that can fixed and choreographed like the scoop slam or Canadian Powerbomb. Sometimes it depends on what move you execute and on the weight of the wrestler that is being attacked and how much muscle mass the other wrestler that is on the offense has got. The wrestling ring contains steel beams at the bottom of the ring with an inch of ply wood above it & half an inch of padding over the wood. So taking a bump in that ring does not feel soft, it will feel hard when you fall back and hit your back to it.

We as an academy know how pro-wrestling works and we will tell you, from teaching this kind of sport in our academy, that it isn't fake and that it is a sport in our eyes. Heck, it's a sport just like MMA, Boxing, Martial Arts, Basketball, Football or any other kind of sport. The only thing about Pro-Wrestling is that it is a REAL life event with scripted(staged) & pre-determined outcomes. Now what is fixed & pulled back are the strikes(different variations of the punches, kicks, headbutts, etc.) The promos, storylines, & little 5 minute skits in between each aftermath of a match before, during or after; are scripted/staged. BTW Story lined(Storyline): means that there is acting & drama in a particular scene or event during a show in different chapters, parts, skits, promos, etc. which is referred to as scripted/staged; & notice that Scripted & Staged are both synonymous words meaning that 1.) sometimes people predict, second-guess, or know who's going to win, either the face/baby face(the good guy/protagonist) or the heel(the bad guy/antagonist) which can be sometimes pre-determined(which pre-determined means predicting who do you think would win the match NOT picking or choosing who would win the match. All the matches are unpredictable or predictable(you know the saying "expect the unexpected"), but the fans predict who will win or lose. So the referee doesn't pick or chose who the winner is. At the end of the match the winner is the winner, despite on which fan won or lost the prediction, so overall at the end of the day, there is always a real winner & loser.) per-say to make a feud more interesting & 2.) The story lined drama from feuds, & that Not all athletes go by their real name for example Phil Brooks is CM Punk's real name, & Glen jacobs is the real name of Kane(which Kane is Glen Jacob's ring name.) & obviously Kane(Glen Jacobs) does not reside or is billed from the depths & gates of the underworld-hell, when in actual fact Glen Jacobs was born in Madrid, Spain & resides in America.

I mean for example, have you ever heard about the WWE Creative team/writers, that plans out the storylines & other drama stuff that works along with the board of directors back in Connecticut? It's just like how actors always make up secondary staged names for themselves. Charlie Sheen(Carlos Estevez) & one other thing, Kane is his staged name in the WWE & Glen Jacobs is NOT really brothers with the Undertaker(Mark William Callaway) & despite that they both have had their ups & downs as the brother of destruction tag team & feuds against each other, their best friends just like how the faces & heels of the WWE get along as friends between each other. With that being said they are wrestlers that revolve around their character that they portray in the WWE or any other wrestling company(whether if that wrestler creates that character just for entertainment or uses their own character the revolves around them personally & in reality for entertainment) & the WWE Creative team doesn't choose the characters that each wrestler portrays & revolves around for that particular wrestler, the wrestler creates his own character, the WWE creative team confirms it & has to accept it.

And the wrestlers character, personae, & gimmick can also be portrayed & revolved from current events that is happening into today's society as well.

Sometimes as a few, over the minority of the time, the WWE creative team creates a character/gimmick/persona for that wrestler but not most of it. & even based on the Wrestlers character/personae/gimmick sometimes the creative team gives them the role to be either a Face/good guy/Protagonist or a Heel/bad guy/antagonist during a feud of a particular storyline, & some of the them can be very lockable & some of them can be detestable. & in Professional Wrestling, if you have bad character/personae/gimmick, you will get listed under a tough spot as a jobber, & don't forget that. & By the way a wrestler's character can sometimes have a gimmick/personae(heel to face or face to heel) turn around. Some wrestlers also can be identified as tweeners as well which is both booed & cheered/liked & hated on at the same time. Even though, the matches can sometimes be pre-determined(only when it is followed up with the script=storylines) which is also blacked-out matches(aka dark matches) or the show can sometimes be pre-determined as well (a.k.a. even though, pre-determined means predicting the determining outcome on whether who's going to win, lose or draw between out of any of those competitors at the end of the match{[!!!Despite The Fact, that whether if they are represented in the low, mid, or high card match-ups & wrestlers listed as low-card, mid-card, wild-card, or high-card wrestlers!!!!]} & {[By the way, low card- is under card wrestlers that fight at the start of the show), (mid card- is mid card wrestlers that fight at the middle of the show), (high card- is an upper card wrestler that fights at the end of the shows & main events), but if you are a wild card wrestler you are identified as a mid-high card wrestler!!!!#]}; & Sometimes pre-determined means the show could be blacked-out because it was pre-aired the day or 2 days before the day the show usually airs due to how there schedules work or change(which is called a taped show & taped shows are pre-determined by script); because of tour events for example, a show has to taped a few days before the day it airs live for some particular reason such as a meeting with the board of directors on the day or for some whatever reason. Now as for the predicting part, it's just like how every normal fan predicts a football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey game, a boxing match, an MMA match, or any other sport on which team is going to win or lose.)... Even though all of the entertainment is still entertaining & that includes the fighting. & the 'E' in the WWE which is Entertainment works both ways, It's to entertain the fans with the fighting action in the ring & to entertain the fans with creative storyline: scripted-drama, just like in MMA or boxing as a fighting sport. & one problem with Pro-Wrestling in the WWE & TNA products is that they pride themselves too much on the entertainment value & I'm talking about when they entertain the fans with all the scripted storylines more than the wrestling, & pride is 'NOT' a good thing; so basically & typically they need to worry more about the wrestling than the whole scripted part of wrestling since wrestling is a professional sport & these organizations need to be pure wrestling companies, no offense & i don't mean this in a bad way or a good way, it's to convince them that they need to listen to what the fans really want since they cater to the fans.

But, The only difference between that is that MMA & Boxing does not entertain the fans by drama but by only the competitive fighting action, & what's in common to Wrestling between MMA & Boxing is that they entertain the fans through the actioned packed fights for their enjoyment for their fan-base & other things like providing entrances, promos, & etc., that is it. Besides, It's not always about winning or losing, it's about the love for the game/sport/fighting & respecting your opponents & as yourself as an individual as well & that is called sportsmanship. By the way one other thing I'd like to cover is that whether who it is that is the wrestling championship, that certain champion cannot pick or choose who should be the contender's for his title, they don't ask who will be their next contenders, & doesn't know who the next contender will be till the chairman, board of directors, or the GM issues it & confirms it & it can be anyone & who ever it is that targets the champion title holder at anytime, anyplace, anywhere. & the wrestling moves are NOT choreographed not even by a slightest mile during live events/showings, they are only choreographed in 'TRAINING', & for 'TRAINING' in developmental wrestling circuits for practicing/training purposes, for young rookies, advanced rookies, or un-experienced wrestlers, which is practicing & learning the steps of the moves by sequence to perfect them from highly trained experts & performed wrestling athletes(just like the same training you see in boxing or MMA practices from experts, beginners, or advanced athletes) so they can be prepared to do them on live show cases. the moves you see during these live show-cases are used with applied pressure & force. Everything that is being seen at a live event, is monitored on television screens in-front of each fan's faces(so there are no puppet strings being used on wrestlers behind a green screen being choreographed). Pro-wrestling is a competitive sport just like any other fighting sport to entertain the fans in each & every step of the way to win, whether if they win or lose, they fight for their jobs, they fight for themselves as wrestlers, & they fight for the fans as well. & I hope you realize that no wrestler/fighter is perfect in any fighting sport including wrestling, & that they make mistakes in the ring/octagon, & that's why it takes time or years to perfect a move in training.

Did you also know that Wrestlers have to stay in shape by working out, exercising, & going to the gym a lot? No shit, obviously! I mean there was a time ages or decades ago when there were wrestlers taking steroids or any other performance enhancing drugs, in any wrestling organization & Vince McMahon later on after realizing the dangers of steroids, he had to ban steroids, performance enhancing drugs, or any other kinds of drugs, because of health reasons, so he fired/suspended some wrestlers because of it & that it was bad for the wrestling business & Vince persuaded & settled the issue by doing some petition & community thing & later on filed a law suit on it, especially that the WWE made a wellness law policy as a rule/law legislative against drug abuse, alcohol, & smoking(& notice how this is key-relevant to those wrestlers who have done steroids, & I mean take Chris Benoit for instance & notice how every other sport organization has the same rule.). One other thing is that in the WWE or any other wrestling company, the blood is real but there were times when Wrestlers took a pill before their match, to make them bleed faster(which was a blood caused from a pill they take) in & during the match after taking a few violent & vicious hits from a steel chair or other objects to make them bleed quicker, but Vince McMahon also banned those prescribed cardiovascular-artery release drugs because of the harm & health-issues it caused & many wrestlers became unconscious from those injuries & dangerous health risks, so after watching wrestling for 11-12 years I have been open eyed & watched carefully as a considerate visual learner & thinker, I've NEVER in my life, & I mean never seen a wrestler pull out a small blade or been given a blade from a referee, so that wrestler could cut himself(& people who think that referees give wrestlers a blade during a match when a referee approaches them to see if their okay, or anything else of the sort or think that wrestlers keep a blade in their pockets even though wrestlers don't carry that & can't carry that cause they don't have pockets in their tights, shorts, trunks, or any other type of attire that have or don't have pockets, are nothing more but complete vile conspiracy theorist half-wit nut-heads.) Now has that ever happened where the referee have given out a blade to wrestler to cut himself and make a move that they were hit with very deadly? Maybe. Let's not forget that John Cena, who got his nose busted in with a high knee to the face by Seth Rollins did not blade himself. They removed the bladed due to various hazardous effects it has caused on wrestlers due to hepatitis c and the cutting of arteries in the veins. So with that being said wrestlers don't cut themselves with a blade, & they don't take a pills after the fact that Mr. McMahon banned drug use & has always issued a wellness policy/law in the business, so now the blood that you see now as of late is real just like the blood you see in MMA or boxing, & is no-longer caused from a pill or a blade; so overall the blood is real, heck a lot of wrestlers don't only bleed from objects, but also wrestling strikes & moves that are executed in full fierce-like force.

Many people should also realize the fact that the reason why Vince McMahon's wrestling company name changed from WWF(World Wrestling Federation) to WWE(World Wrestling Entertainment), is because of the recently previous fueling lawsuit they had against the World Wildlife Fund( & hence their initials WWF) because the WWE could no longer have the rights to have the same initials as the World Wildlife Fund(#Fact!). & Let's not also forget that Vincent Kennedy McMahon is well-known for his company as his father's successor(but despite the issue that I don't want get into or talk about his dark past about his personal family issues that occurred between his mother, stepfather, & biological father.), but he is also known for the many other reasons including making his father's company into his own global empire in an entrepreneurship like sports business man, including taking down Ted Turner & WCW when Vince McMahon & the Later Shane McMahon bought into WCW after the Monday Night Wars between The Monday Nigh Raw & WCW Nitro/Monday Night Mayhem Ratings & creating the Attitude Era in the WWE & that's when Vince, his son, & his company started acquiring traits from WCW & welcoming the former WCW wrestlers into the WWE/WWF after fleeing WCW after the demise while others left for good(& even though VInce McMahon did take down Ted Turner & defeated him on the Monday Night War Ratings, Vince is not the one responsible for WCW's fall it was Ted Turner who screwed himself out with his staff left hanging that he hired for his show; such as Jim Crockett;(who made the WCW connection & affiliation with the NWA=National Wrestling Alliance until 1988.), Jim Barnett, Jim Cornette;(current ROH owner), Vince Russo;(WCW writer), Paul Heyman & Eric Bischoff, & a few wrestlers who later on tried to manage the company but quite unlikely had poor management skills & didn't know how to manage the company in other words, otherwise.) & the ratings between the 2 companies started with WCW on the ball & set on the pedestal on the high bar beating RAW with their NWO(Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Randy Savage, Scott Hall, Scott Steiner, & Sean Waltman{former member who then joined DX afterwards}.) storyline angle, & later on around the middle of the ratings Vince created the Attitude Era to raise the ratings & catch up to WCW, & at the end of the ratings it concluded with WCW's ratings falling & collapsing along with the company. & let's not forget the D-Generation X invasions on WCW which was a big turn out, & the Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Vince McMahon rivalry for Monday Night RAW.

One thing i would also like to cover, is that, the real reason why the WWE changed their rating demographics from TV-14/M to TV-PG is because they wanted to grow & expand their audience for all ages for both genders &v for new viewers, & also because kids with families are also watching the shows & that they are under numerous charitable foundations & community programs for children so that's why they decided to get rid of the violence, nudity, & profanity(18+ & older) content & if you don't believe me ask Bruno Sammartino & watch his videos on his youtube channel & another reason why they changed from TV-14 to TV-PG was also because Linda McMahon retired as CEO of the WWE & decided to run for senate in the Political Conservative/Republican Candidate Political Campaign race in Connecticut as well. & Chris Benoit's death was not the reason why the WWE went back to PG since the past in the 80s, but one of the things that Benoit did, such as killing his wife & son, made the WWE look a certain/different way, but was not necessarily one of the major or biggest causes of aiming to change their ratings demographic for their product. & besides the WWE used to be PG back then in the early 20th century around the 40's-to-the-70's, 80's, & early 90's in the Golden Era, Capitol Wrestling Era, Madison Square Garden Era, & the Rock 'n' Wrestling Era. One other thing I'd like to cover is that, even in boxing, MMA, & wrestling it is very important to do weigh-ins along with height, to classify & identify any fighter if they are under which weight class they are in; such as whether if they are super-heavyweight, heavyweight, light heavy weight, cruiserweight, or w/e of any other weight class under that list & etc. I have grown up & started watching Wrestling & MMA for almost 11-12 to1 3 years, & I have gone to a live event & your going to tell me wrestling is fake even though without a shadow of a doubt, it is NOT fake. Overall the matter of the fact is that the action, the fighting, contact & the injuries during a match in the middle of the ring are REAL they are NOT fake, scripted, or choreographed for that matter, & you should learn the meaning of the word scripted & choreographed(which seems to me you have a narrow definition of.), before you start spewing uneducated half-wit opinion-like narrow-minded statements about wrestling. If the moves in wrestling were choreographed then their would be so many errors in a live action fighting match on both brands: Raw or Smackdown...there is no planned act in professional wrestling, but even though it is NOT orchestrated or choreographed for that matter of fact & as safe to say. (Oh, & by the way wrestling is also NOT orchestrated because it is not an orchestra of direct elements by arranged musicians, which is so completely irrelevant to wrestling FYI.). So if you think wrestling is fake, think again, & well guess what, it's safe to say that you're wrong, narrow-minded & ignorant(basically stupid) about a sport that has existed & originated from historical times that was not fully developed in ancient times & full developed later on. So if you think wrestling is fake your not only upsettingly ignorant about wrestling, you also have no logic about wrestling either, so there is no typical excuse for your utter stupidity. If you came up to my face in person & told me that, I would tell you get you balls out of your purse, meet me in a wrestling ring or get in a wrestling ring with me & face me like a man, man-to-man, let's have a wrestling match, & I'll prove you wrong. If you have nothing smart to say about Wrestling & if you keep saying it's not real, my advice keep your illiterate & delusional self imposed ignorance & illusional nonsensical opinions to yourself & save yourself the embarrassment...or better yet put up or shut up. Just becuase Pro-Wrestling is scripted/staged(samething) & a fewly sometimes pre-determined & not most of the time over the majority, doesn't mean that it is any less fake, theres a big difference between scripted, predetermined, & fake.

Wrestling is both real, fixed, pre-determined & scripted. If you also think that wrestling is choreographed by the fighting & live action matches, then you are also considering to terms that MMA & boxing is also choreographed & any other fighting sport: this isn't an orchestra: The fighting in professional wrestling or any other level of wrestling, is 100% damn REAL! not choreographed or orchestrated behind a green screen. Wrestling takes discipline that is all about & towards to the grappling aspect of the art, even to building stronger athletes when it comes to take downs. Oh & by the way Indy Promoted Wrestling Companies like ROH, TCW, WCW, ECW, TNA, NWA & New Japan Pro Wrestling are Independent Circuits & some are Developmental Circuits like FCW/NXT(was FCW & now renamed NXT for 'new generation' superstars, for that matter. & I don't care if it's TCW, New Japan Pro Wrestling, ROH, TNA, ECW, or the WWE(the top if the pinnacle of pro-wrestling promotions), these highly trained performed athletes/fighters who also train to perfect the moves they do in the ring correctly & to do it properly before performing them at the live events, take REAL risks by putting their lives on the line & sacrifice themselves by putting their bodies on the line & take real fighting risks to entertain us, even though so we can pay good money for it to enjoy ourselves, to watch a great wrestling-fighting show every week to be entertained by a really popular organization, company or franchise as you would like to call it either way & these wrestlers also get paid as employees for the WWE as their job to fight for our entertainment & our enjoyment as well just like any other sport that is listed in the professional fighting sport including other sports that don't involve fighting. If you think wrestling is fake, than explain Brock Lesnar's neck & head injury when he performed the shooting star press & landed on his head causing that injury in a match against oh I don't remember,...Kurt Angle? Wrestlemania 19,... explain Edge's injured & torn Anterior Cruciate Ligament known as a torn (ACL), torn Achilles tendon, & broken neck where his cervical vertebrae is known as a cervical spinal stenosis that could have risked him & caused him to have a neck down paralysis. & explain John Cena's injured left or right torn pectoral muscle, broken neck disk, a broken & injured elbow, torn ACL & now a torn achilles tendon & heel injury. They are injuries, it's the same thing that happens in every other sport with injuries. & how do you explain the other injuries that other wreslters have suffered? & heck!,... Vince McMahon also sufered a broken pelvis & hip bone when Brock Lesnar gave an F5 to the Chairman of the WWE. Let me tell you a 2 personal stories about myself; 1.) Living in Miami, Florida, as my late for my late birthday present for myself, I went to my first ever WWE PPV live event with my cousin: 'WrestleMania 28' up & close & the whole live action fighting is real especially the punches, kicks, strikes, counter attacks, reversals, high flying stunts, body slams, bumps, & technical submission maneuver's & etc. & yeah!, the ring bounces like an actual professional-wrestling ring when they take those hits & the ring is as hard as concrete almost identical to the boxing rings(it's a physical ring!).

Over a somewhat 3-4 years ago I have went to FFA(Freestyle Fighting Academy) in Florida during the summer vacation on my sophomore & junior year. I did both wrestling & MMA there. They are both intense & competitive sports & they are not easy tasks, & it was fun & I have met a lot of awesome people there. I have overcome my goals, obstacles, & so many & ups & downs there. I have gotten bruises, cuts, few injuries, & stuff like that. & Out of MMA & Wrestling, it's a fact that wrestling Is a lot more intense than it is because it does not require that much cardio but it tests your will of strength, power, quickness, agility, momentum, weight, balance, resilience, will, & durability, especially working out in the gym for it & the fighting is as intense as MMA. & basically I have learned the many basic & advanced levels of wrestling in Greco-Roman wrestling, Sambo & Judo Wrestling, Amateur Wrestling, Freestyle wrestling, & pro-wrestling which also requires a lots of training, working, doing curricular activities like swimming & exercising, plus the fact that you have to eat the right healthy foods, maintain your diet & metabolism if you want/need to(which ever one works for you), & take healthy supplements like BSN, Combos, Gold Standard, X-tenn, Assault-MP, Con-cret, Fish-Oil, ON: Platinum Hydro Builder/Platinum Whey/Platinum Pre-, & others/etc., that help you gain muscle healthily & naturally that contain protein, creatine, & pre-workout formulas that give you the essential requirements you need to build strength, muscle-mass, & get fit; for more info visit,, or other fitness sites & resources.(all proven through science & PhD. experts in the medical & psychological field), & besides there are also even, wrestlers that are huge or small that are out of shape & that are still at-least physically active. & heck half of the moves you see in UFC or any other MMA show also requires wrestling moves to take your opponent in a grapple tackle & take downs to the matt, & grapple submission specialists &, especially a few strikes in sequence that you also see in wrestling are in MMA as well.

It's these kind of people who are quite frankly who are so blatantly ignorant, have been living under rock & still currently live under a rock while giving & you people also lack so much understanding & knowledge & are also short-sided & blindsided about what wrestling is all about because wrestling is just as real & just as popular as any other fighting sport you see on national live television: MMA, Boxing, & Wrestling that's all sports entertainment.(<-Thesis Statement!). The UFC, WWE, Boxing, & Mixed Martial Arts are sports slipped under the fighting category & they ARE ALL known as Sports Entertainment, so with that being said it's just as real as it gets...Use brief/assertive logic, common sense, truth, accurate & specifically detailed knowledge & Get your facts straight/right which all if this is being used on my blog. You're Welcome.

Kenny Omega jumping over the ropes and lands on Okada.

"To those who believe in the beauty of professional wrestling, nothing needs to be said. For those who don't appreciate wrestling, nothing could be said to change their minds." ~ Vince McMahon

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